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24 Feb 2017
Cathay Pacific Craft Beer
Now this is an idea we can all get behind on a Friday Afternoon. Cathay Pacific have brewed their own beer! The world’s first beer brewed specifically to be enjoyed at 35 thousand feet.

Now this is an idea we can all get behind on a Friday Afternoon. Cathay Pacific have brewed their own beer! The world’s first beer brewed specifically to be enjoyed at 35 thousand feet.

Betsy Beer, named after Cathay Pacific’s first ever aircraft, will be served to First and Business Class passengers flying between Hong Kong and the UK during March and April.

The quality of the inflight dining experience has long been a focus of Cathay Pacific and after realising that whilst airlines have designed inflight menus that take into account the effect altitude and cabin pressure have on passengers taste buds, no-one had addressed the issue in regards to beer.

Using a combination of science and traditional brewing methods, Betsy Beer has been created in partnership with Hong Kong Beer Co, brewed specifically to be consumed inflight.

Betsy Beer is a high quality hand crafted beer created with ingredients sourced from the UK and Hong Kong to form the aroma and carbonation required to taste great both in the air and on the ground.

Dragon Eye fruit is added to give the beer a distinct Hong Kong edge, together with Fuggle, a revered hop and mainstay of traditional British Craft ales providing an earthy and full-bodied flavour.

A unique beer, created by an airline, that traverses 2 continents.

Sounds good to us. Betsy’s all round!