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16 Jan 2018
Singapore Airlines New A380 To London
Starting February 16th you can now enjoy the new Singapore Airlines A380 all the way from Sydney to London!

Starting February 16th you can now enjoy the new Singapore Airlines A380 all the way from Sydney to London!

The new Singapore Airlines A380, featuring their new Suites and Business Class, debuted on the Sydney to Singapore route on December 18th 2017 and the second route, Singapore to London, is Set to launch next month.

The new aircraft will operate as SQ322 departing Singapore for London every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

On the return leg, the new A380 will initially operate as SQ305, until April 5th, when it will then move to the SQ317 service departing London every Monday, Thursday and Saturday.

The new planes will also be used on Singapore to Hong Kong services from February.

See photos inside the new Singapore Airlines A380.

To book your business class our Suites flights to London contact our Flat Beds Airfare consultants.