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29 Jun 2017
Say Goodbye To Outgoing Passenger Cards
Those annoying green cards will be a thing of the past after this weekend as the Government has confirmed the Outgoing Passenger Cards will no longer be in use after July 1st.

Those annoying green cards will be a thing of the past after this weekend as the Government has confirmed the Outgoing Passenger Cards will no longer be in use after July 1st.

The move is an attempt to improve the traveller experience by moving to a more efficient streamlined process, with the information provided on the cards now being collated from existing government data.

It is expected that the automated process, which will be added to existing passenger processing technology, will help reduce queuing times.

At this stage arrival passengers will still need to complete the orange Incoming Passenger Cards. Fingers crossed we also see these go by wayside in the not too distant future.

For more information on the removal of the Outgoing Passenger Cards please visit