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07 Aug 2022
Qantas increasing minimum connecting time in Sydney and Melbourne.
Qantas have announced they are increasing the minimum connection time to 90 minutes between Australian domestic and international flights in both Sydney and Melbourne.

Qantas have announced they are increasing the minimum connection time to 90 minutes between Australian domestic and international flights in both Sydney and Melbourne.

This extra time, originally 60 mins, will accommodate for potential domestic delays and make it easier for passengers and their bags to make it to their international flight.

The airline will ensure all new bookings adhere to the new minimum connection, with flights booked from 21st August onward to be proactively rebooked. Qantas will cover the cost of accommodation of any itineraries that then require an overnight stop.

If you are travelling before 21st August, you can voluntarily elect to re-book your flights to meet the new 90 minute connection by contacting your airfare consultant. Getting a hold of Qantas directly for any schedule changes like this continues to prove to be extremely difficult, and a major benefit of booking with FlatBeds is that we handle all schedule change maintenance on your behalf. This can often save you hours of work and hassles dealing directly.

Whilst it’s great to see Qantas increasing this minimum connection time, it’s long overdue in our eyes and 90 minutes remains a tight connection at either airport, but especially in Sydney. Our FlatBeds airfare specialists will always aim for a more conservation connection time of 2-3 hours wherever possible. This allows you time to get to your next gate and for your baggage to continue on your journey with additional buffer time for delays.

Contact our consultants today to discuss your options when flying with Qantas and oneworld partner airlines.