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19 Aug 2019
2019 National Travel Agent Of The Year (Air Sales)
Complex Travel, comprising of RoundAbout Travel, QFlyer, Flat Beds, and Y Premium, has been awarded the 2019 National Travel Agent Of The Year for Air Sales at the Independent Travel Group national conference in Bangkok.
Mark Trim (right) accepting the 2019 National Travel Agent Of The Year (Air Sales) Award

Complex Travel has been awarded the 2019 National Travel Agent Of The Year for Air Sales at the Independent Travel Group national conference in Bangkok.

Complex Travel, comprising of RoundAbout Travel, QFlyer, Flat Beds, and Y Premium, competed against 340 members nationally to take out the award with Complex Travel Director Mark Trim accepting the award in person.

Founded by Mark and Amy Trim in 2008 (as RoundAbout Travel) Complex Travel has grown to a nationwide group of specialty travel agencies focussing on complex airfare solutions. This is the 3rd National Agent Of The Year win for the company, previously taking home the title in both 2015 and 2017.

Since 2008 RoundAbout Travel has been the market leading and only specialist Australian travel agent focused on round the world airfares, selling over $160 million in round the world airfares over the past eleven years.

Identifying the need for expert airfare specialists, Complex Travel has since launched 3 further national brands.

QFlyer, established in 2015, provides airfare management for high tier oneworld frequent flyers with a view on maximising status credit earning opportunities. Business class specialist, Flat Beds, was launched in early 2017 with a focus on providing best value international business class airfares on quality airlines. And Y Premium, Australia’s only premium economy specialty travel agency was launched in 2019.

Together the brands continue to grow, with a team of 24 selling over $44 million in airfares this year alone. RoundAbout Travel, QFlyer and Flat Beds have each achieved a 4.9/5 trust score and RoundAbout Travel has become the highest rated travel company on

Complex Travel also picked up a Diamond Award in recognition of excellence and Most Improved Sabre Agent at the event.

To book your business class flights on quality airlines, contact our Flat Beds Specialist Airfare Consultants

For more information about RoundAbout Travel, QFlyer, and Y Premium take a look at the websites below: to book round the world airfares. for high tier oneworld frequent flyer airfare management. for premium economy airfares.